The Top 5 Soca Songs each earned over 1.5M Spotify Streams in over 60 countries.
Over 65% of the Total Spotify Streams in the Top 50 songs – comes from the 5 songs at the Top of the Soca Source year-end charts.
Mind My Business leads the pack with over 4.45m streams for the year. This song has gained over 13k streams per day for each day it has been available on Spotify. Although Mind My Business total Spotify Streams are at least 1m more than any other song, it was also the first of the 5 released coming out back in December 2021.
DJ Cheem alongside IQ released Soca Start just 6 months ago and has already earned over 2M Spotify streams for the song. That also takes this song to 13k streams per day on Spotify.
Father Philis with Face Beat amassed over 3.5M Spotify streams in just over 9 months bringing his daily Spotify intake to just under 13k streams per day and – all of this without even an official YouTube video.
All 3 of these songs went ‘viral’ to some degree on TikTok, which appears to have translated directly to the huge increase in Spotify streams compared to that of the rest of the songs in the Top 50.
The final 2 songs in the Top 5 both come from Kes the Band. Liki Tiki and Jolene, both powered by Ineffable Records have earned over 1.5M streams each on Spotify. While these two songs have earned slightly less Spotify streams than the other 3 has and have not gone ‘viral’ on TikTok, the strength of the marketing, promotions, placements, and playlists have driven both Kes the Band songs to the Top of the charts.